We are presenting at SIDIC and Psychonomics this year! Below are links to our posters and (where applicable) pre-prints.
Individual differences in visual attention correlate with spatial navigation behavior in aging
Barnas, Bowers, Ebner, & WeisbergPoster Navigating the metaverse: the relation between scale and expertise in spatial knowledge of immersive and desktop virtual realityYuksel, & WeisbergPoster
Temporal divisions: segmenting space through timeSahoo, & WeisbergPoster | Pre-registrationAllocating space-based attention with schemas, words, and scenesBarnas, Ebner, & WeisbergPoster | Paper (in-press) | OSFModifying spatial navigation strategy through task instruction in younger and older adultsKunath, Barnas, Perez, Boogaart, Ebner, & WeisbergPosterThe role of risk tolerance in navigation strategy decisionsPerez, Kvam, McKemey, & WeisbergPosterThis is not the way: global directional cues do not improve spatial navigation in an immersive virtual environmentYuksel, Boogaart, &WeisbergPoster